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企 业 名 称:青岛德尚包装有限公司采购部

所 属 网 库:青岛包装网库

联 系 人:赵生先生

员 工 人 数:501 - 1000 人

主 营 产 品:礼品包装 陶瓷餐具 玻璃制品 木制工艺品 食品

公 司 地 址:中国 山东 即墨市 青岛即墨

联 系 电 话:86-532-86539150-224

电 子 邮 箱:

邮 政 编 码:266200

移 动 电 话:13455....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-532-86539153

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:外商投资股份有限公司 ;生产加工

主 营 行 业:其他礼品包装


    青岛德尚包装有限公司,位于山东青岛,主要生产/销售外贸礼品,以下为我司简介:Founded in 2004, Box, Tray & Giraffe Inc. is an internationally owned and managed company with its production base in Qingdao, China. Specializing in the development, processing and execution of diversified and large scale projects in the Food, Food Gifting, Promotions and Private Label arenas, Box, Tray & Giraffe Inc. aims to be a comprehensive service provider to satisfy your varied needs in Contract Packaging and Manufacturing. With solid background’s comprising of over 15 years of management and operating experience in this industry, specifically in the field’s of sourcing, packaging, assembly, and manufacturing, Box, Tray & Giraffe Inc. has seen itself becoming a competitive player with dramatic achievements in terms of its business scope, sales growth, product development, market coverage and customer recognition. During the last few years, Box, Tray & Giraffe Inc. has been involved in various projects around the world with products ending up on the shelves of many major retailers such as Wall-Mart, Target, Costco, Marks & Spencer, Boots, Sainsbury, Woolworth Australia and so on. Furthermore, Box, Tray & Giraffe has also been chosen as the appointed subcontractor by Unistraw International to produce its patented “Sipahh” milk flavoring straws that are sold in more than 40 countries.
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网评:青岛德尚包装有限公司(http://qddsbz.cn.china.cn)主营产品包括礼、品、配、套等,青岛德尚包装有限公司负责人陈晓强 先生 (采购)电话:86-0532-8653915。
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